Blog di Dino Ciuffetti (Bernardino in realtà)

26 Gen 12 liborient, OrientDB C library migrated to github

I never said before on those pages that some months ago I migrated liborient to github: liborient project page.

For those who do not know liborient, it’s a LGPLv3 library that can be used by C programs to interact with the OrientDB DBMS Server using the orientdb binary protocol. At the time of this writing it’s in development stage, but almost all low level binary protocol methods are implemented and should be quite working.

After fixing some (well known) memory leaks on the new odocument interface, I’m now working on a high level API that can be used by C programs to manipulate objects going to and coming from OrientDB Server.
You can, for example, put or get records to/from the server containing different data type fields. Those fields are organized into an object that OrientDB calls Document. This Document can include structured types like: integers, shorts, dates, strings, binary, char, float, collections, maps, documents embedded into documents, and more.
The liborient’s new odocument higher level API should make you comfortable to access and manipulate this documents.
This can be, for example, a good starting point to create native bindings for other languages like PHP, python, perl, ruby, etc.

At the moment I am the author and the only developer on this project, but if you are brave you can join and submit patches, test the code, open bugs, put your considerations, and so on. Feel free to send me a mail, add a comment to this page, write to the orientdb mailing list, send me a tweet at @tuxweb, or anything else.

Reader's Comments


    Could gobject be used within this library so automatic bindings for higher level languages are available?

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      Sorry, I never listened about gobject… I’ll investigate about it.
      Liborient is in development stage. I’m now writing the new development branch (devel branch in github).

      Reply to this comment
  2. convinced-centennial

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