If your SSH connection is slow, it may depends on your SSH server that is executing reverse DNS lookups to try to identify your details.
Try setting the parameter below to your /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart your ssh server daemon:
UseDNS no
It worked perfectly for me, it may work perfectly with you too.
If you encounter an error like this one on your SVN client:
svn: OPTIONS di ‘‘: SSL handshake failed: SSL error: Key usage violation in certificate has been detected. (
you can try to fix your problem linking your libneon-gnutls.so.27 library used by your svn client to /usr/lib/libneon.so.27.
Try with this one:
mv /usr/lib/libneon-gnutls.so.27 /usr/lib/libneon-gnutls.so.27.old
ln -s /usr/lib/libneon.so.27 /usr/lib/libneon-gnutls.so.27
Tested on Debian 6.0 and Ubuntu 11.10
Retrieving the client IP address from an application deployed in tomcat, jboss, bea weblogic o something else sitting behind a reverse proxy is a simple matter of getting the Proxy HTTP headers setted by apache, for example”X-Forwarded-Host”, “X-Forwarded-For”, etc.
Sometimes, in enterprise environments, you could be asked to find the solution that make the application able to get the client source port too. In some cases, the police could ask the client’s provider to show the real identity of the contract person using the HTTP service, and in natted environments it’s impossible for the provider to do this without the source port.
Well, if your reverse proxy is apache, the solution is simple. Just add those lines to your httpd.conf:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* – [E=REMOTE_PORT:%{REMOTE_PORT},NE]
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-SourcePort %{REMOTE_PORT}e
This way apache will set the HTTP request Header called “X-Forwarded-SourcePort“. The application can now get the TCP client source port.
You may know that the PHP version coming with debian squeeze is 5.3. Since the 5.3 version of PHP breaks some compatibility with 5.2 you may find that an old PHP application is no longer working with the new version of PHP on squeeze.
The steps required to install PHP 5.2 on debian squeeze are very simple, you just need to setup APT to install the PHP packages coming with debian lenny.
The first thing to do is to add the lenny repository to the end of /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://archive.debian.org/debian lenny main contrib non-free
Then you need to make sure that your favourite PHP packages will be downloaded from lenny instead of squeeze. You can do this creating the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/lenny, with this stuff inside:
Explanation: choose Lenny as installation source if the package is not already installed and not available from Squeeze
Package: *
Pin: release n=lenny*
Pin-Priority: 100Explanation: choose Lenny as installation source for those packages
Package: libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-cli php5-mhash php5-xsl php5-imap php5-xmlrpc php5-sqlite
Pin: release n=lenny*
Pin-Priority: 999
After that, remove any previously installed PHP 5.3 package, for example with the command
apt-get remove –purge php5\*
and then install the PHP 5.2 packages from lenny:
apt-get update
apt-get clean
apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-cli php5-mhash php5-xsl php5-imap php5-xmlrpc php5-sqlite
That procedure saved my life twice, I hope it will save yours too!
This is the end of this year. Fuck you 2012, and welcome to 2013!!
Tonight at 03.00 GTM the NuvolaBase team publicly released the new NuvolaBase Dashboard.
As you may know, with NuvolaBase you can handle your private database on the cloud.
The new dashboard aims to be simple, stable and powerful. You can login using your google, twitter, facebook, linkedin account.
In the next days the NuvolaBase guys will release many new cool features like a powerful REST API to handle your databases in the cloud from your application.
This is the official article on the NuvolaBase blog: http://nuvolabase.blogspot.it/2012/12/nuvolabase-dashboard-upgrade.html
Sometimes you may need to forward remote traffic to a local host through a SSH connection. In other words you can bind a given TCP port to a server running SSH and make remote clients connecting to it, letting the traffic to be redirected to a local server.
You may need to add the parameter GatewayPorts clientspecified to /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the SSH server and restart sshd. This is to enable ssh clients to bind remote connections on a given ip, otherwise you can only connect to the remote port just from
At this point, let me do an example:
If you have the given situation, you can execute the following command to bind the TCP port 18443 on the remote server:
ssh -l root -R:18443:
Now, you can apply your changes:
You can even do the reverse, letting local traffic flowing to an external host, passing through a SSH connection.
Let me do another example:
If you have the given situation, you can execute the following command to bind the TCP port 18443 of your computer to the remote server:
ssh -g -l root -L18443:
Now, apply your changes:
This is a very quick guide to get your feet wet with PHP 5.3 + PHP-FPM fastcgi support and apache webserver.
The PHP-FPM is basically a fastcgi compliant pool of PHP processes spawned on the system, ready to quickly accept connections, for example via TCP. It’s generally used to greatly improove PHP scalability, security and performance.
Start by installing apache, no matter if it’s a binary installation or if it’s compiled from source code (I assume this step is already done).
Once you have a valid apache installation, you need to compile the mod_fastcgi module.
NOTE: don’t use mod_fcgid or any other fastcgi provider but mod_fastcgi: it’s proved to be stable and to work well with PHP-FPM.
To install mod_fastcgi you have to:
Now, compile PHP with the fpm support, or install a already compiled PHP binary package.
Here I’ll cover how to compile it from source.
Start by downloading the latest php 5.3 version from http://www.php.net/downloads.php
When you have done, untar the PHP source package and enter into the extracted php-5.3.x directory.
Now create a file called conf.sh and put this stuff inside it:
./configure \
–prefix=/usr/local/php53 \
–with-libdir=lib64 \
–enable-pcntl \
–enable-mbstring=shared \
–enable-mbregex \
–with-gd=shared \
–enable-bcmath=shared \
–with-xmlrpc=shared \
–with-mysql=shared,/usr \
–with-mysqli=shared,/usr/bin/mysql_config \
–enable-dom=shared \
–enable-soap=shared \
–with-xsl=shared,/usr \
–enable-xmlreader=shared –enable-xmlwriter=shared \
–with-pdo-mysql=shared,/usr \
–enable-json=shared \
–enable-zip=shared \
–with-readline \
–with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
–with-png-dir=/usr \
–with-pear \
–with-ldap=shared \
–enable-fpm \
–with-fpm-user=apache \
Your mileage may vary here, so please double check row by row if you need to modify something. The FPM part are the last 3 lines.
NOTE: you cannot compile PHP as FPM and SAPI at the same time.
Now, make the file executable with: chmod 755 conf.sh
and run the executable with: ./conf.sh
Wait that the configure script is done. If no errors are encountered you can proceed with make and make install as usual.
Remember to create the php.ini configuration file if you need it.
You should now end up with a fresh PHP installation into /usr/local/php53 (or any other path you given to the prefix configure attribute).
Ok, now it’s time to configure the php-fpm (change /usr/local/php53 with your path if it’s different):
cd /usr/local/php53/etc
cp php-fpm.conf.default php-fpm.conf
vi php-fpm.conf
You generally don’t need to modify anything here, but if you want you can touch something.
Now start the php-fpm process pool by running this command by the root user: /usr/local/php53/sbin/php-fpm
If anything gone ok you should have some process up and running, something like this:
25976 ? Ss 0:00 php-fpm: master process (/usr/local/php53/etc/php-fpm.conf)
4945 ? S 0:00 \_ php-fpm: pool www
4946 ? S 0:00 \_ php-fpm: pool www
4947 ? S 0:00 \_ php-fpm: pool www
If you didn’t modify the php-fpm.conf, the process pool listen for fastcgi requests to TCP
It’s time to configure a apache virtualhost with PHP support using this brand new fpm.
Edit the httpd.conf apache configuration file (or another included file where you store the virtualhost) and append this stuff (I assume that apache is installed into /opt/apache2):
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host.example.com
DocumentRoot “/opt/apache2/htdocs”
ServerName “your_servername.com”
ErrorLog “logs/your_servername-error_log”
CustomLog “logs/your_servername-access_log” commonFastCgiExternalServer /opt/apache2/htdocs/php5.sock -host
AddHandler php5-fcgi .php
Action php5-fcgi /tmp/php5.sock
Alias /tmp /opt/apache2/htdocs<Directory “/opt/apache2/htdocs”>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Any file whose name ends for “.php” into your document root should now be associated to the PHP fastcgi handler and the requests should be routed to the php-fpm process pool. Each php-fpm process is reused according to the php-fpm.conf configuration file.
Restart apache and enjoy (any comment are welcome).
Congratulation to Luca Garulli and his dev team to the public release of OrientDB 1.0 Stable!
After a year of release candidates and bug fixing it’s finally time to the stable version.
Many may bugs fixed, new indexing algorithms, improved clustering with multi master replication, new Object Database interface with lazy object loading, new studio (web interface) and much more.
The community is growing fast and people get rapidly moving to new technologies.
Words like nosql, object and graph databases, cloud and mobile are big buzzwords of nowadays.
If you didn’t already, subscribe to the orientdb mailinglist to get in touch: http://groups.google.com/group/orient-database?pli=1.