I found out that after I upgraded Debian from 11 to 12 the screen share functions from firefox and chrome (for example from a google meet meeting) is not working anymore. I did not share my screen with my colleagues.
In Debian 12 you are probably using PipeWire, Wayland and Gnome 43.
The solution for me was as simple as that:
apt install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
This way firefox and chrome can reach gnome services inside the sandbox and the screen share is now working as expected.
If you are getting errors like “DH key too small” you can avoid using DH ciphersuites on apache.
You can obtain that using Perfect forward secrecy, or disabling all DH ciphersuites like this:
Fastweb ha deciso per il momento di non fornire IPv6 nativo ai propri clienti, e inoltre da qualche giorno ha disabilitato il tunnel TSP (tsp-auth.ipv6.fastweb.it) il quale non risulta piu’ raggiungibile.
Visto che nel mio caso ho un router fastweb Argo 55+ su fibra 100, e il suddetto router non supporta IPv6, quando vado sulla MyFastPage e cerco di attivare il protocollo IPv6 il sistema mi dice che devo sostituire il router con un nuovo modello. Io NON voglio cambiare router perche’ lo considero estremamente stabile e performante.
Come posso quindi attivare IPv6 nella mia rete domestica senza dover cambiare router?
Fastweb porta IPv6 ai suoi utenti tramite 6rd (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_rapid_deployment). Questo significa che e’ probabilmente possibile ottenere la subnet in tunnel anche su linux.
Ho preso uno dei miei raspberry pi con raspbian e ci ho installato il pacchetto radvd (sudo apt-get install radvd), poi nel mio /etc/network/interfaces ho messo questo:
iface eth0 inet6 static
address 2001:b07:27b:7b7b::1
netmask 64auto ipv6fastweb
iface ipv6fastweb inet6 v4tunnel
netmask 64
up ip -6 route add default dev ipv6fastweb
down ip -6 route del default dev ipv6fastweb
Invece di usare come indirizzo ip 2001:b07:27b:7b7b::1 devi calcolarti il tuo a partire dal tuo IP pubblico fisso che ti ha fornito fastweb. Puoi ottenere il tuo ip pubblico ad esempio da qui: http://whatismyipaddress.com/
Facciamo finta che tu abbia l’IP, devi convertirlo in esadecimale, ad esempio cosi:
printf “%x%02x:%x%02x::\n” `echo |tr . ” “`
Quello che otterrai, ad esempio 27b:7b7b:: va accodato al prefisso di fastweb (2001:b07:) e come suffisso accodi il numero 1.
In questo caso, quindi, l’IP diventa:
2001:b07:27b:7b7b::1 che e’ stato costruito da [2001:b07]:[b07:27b:7b7b]::[1]. La prima e’ fissa, la seconda dipende dal tuo IP pubblico e infine 1. Questo andra’ messo nella riga “address” nel file /etc/network/interfaces che ti dicevo prima e va anche messo nella direttiva “prefix” del radvd.conf, ma in ques’ultimo caso senza l’1 finale.
Crea il file /etc/radvd.conf e mettici dentro questo:
interface eth0
AdvSendAdvert on;
MinRtrAdvInterval 3;
MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;prefix 2001:b07:27b:7b7b::/64
AdvOnLink on;
AdvAutonomous on;
AdvRouterAddr on;
};RDNSS 2001:4860:4860::8888
AdvRDNSSLifetime 20;
Riavvia il raspberry pi e se tutto va bene, sempre nel raspberry pi dovrai avere una scheda di rete virtuale chiamata ipv6fastweb senza IP usabili ma che serve per creare il tunnel con il border gateway di fastweb ( Se non funziona, prova a cercare un altro border gateway, magari chiedendo al numero verde o cercando su internet. A me funziona con questo. Metti quello giusto alla direttiva “endpoint” del file “interfaces”.
Poi avrai l’IP pubblico IPv6 che ti sei calcolato (nel caso di esempio 2001:b07:27b:7b7b::1/64) sulla scheda eth0 e avrai il tuo radvd che invia i router advertisement ipv6 alla tua rete.
Ogni PC nella tua rete che supporta IPv6 otterrà un IP pubblico nella subnet che ti sei calcolato, e sara’ raggiungibile direttamente da internet tramite IPv6.
Bello no? Ovviamente se abilitate questo dovete disabilitare IPv6 sul router di fastweb perche’ sara il vostro raspberry pi a fare da router ipv6.
Commentate sotto, mi raccomando! Fatemi sapere.
A me funziona perfettamente e sono molto felice. Credo che Fastweb dovrebbe creare una guida ufficiale su questo per il bene degli utenti. Ci ho messo 2 ore a farlo funzionare, con una guida ci avrei messo 2 minuti.
If you need to resize a iSCSI volume you need to:
I’ll skip the resize procedure on the target, because it depends on how it’s made (lvresize, dd, etc).
The procedure to rescan the volume on the initiator (open-iscsi) is very simple and can be accomplished online.
iscsiadm -m node -R
Then, you can grow the filesystem, if any (xfs_grofs, resize_reiserfs, resize2fs, depending on your fs type).
If you need to check which SSL/TLS protocol version is implemented by your webserver, you can issue the following command:
dino@dam2knb:~$ echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 | grep Protocol
Protocol : TLSv1.2
This is a memo that I can use to remember how to enable WPA2 protected WiFI connections with debian without using NetworkManager.
All that you have to do is:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid=”My WiFI SSID”
psk=”mysupersecret password”
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
ifup wlan0
ifdown wlan0
I didn’t know that it was possible to declare a read only variable in bash.
It’s as simple as to run the following statement:
declare -r a=10
This will create a read only variable called $a with value 10 that you cannot overwrite or unset.
In my previous blog post I published a TSL2561 light sensor driver in C for Raspberry PI. In this article I will publish a user space C driver for Adafruit 4-digit 7-segment display.
This is based on a HT16K33 led driver IC, that it’s a I2C driven RAM mapping 16*8 LED controller driver.
The driver I’m posting it’s valid for the adafruit circuit only, since it’s completely based on the electronic schematic they realized.
Don’t use the driver with other circuits, since the display could not function properly.
Basically the adafruit 7-segment backpack (http://www.adafruit.com/products/879) uses 8 (rows) * 5 (columns) HT16K33 lines to drive its leds. The column number 1 is dedicated to the first digit, the second column is dedicated to the second digit, the third column is attached to the colon sign in the middle of the 4 digits, the fourth column is attached to the third digit, and the fifth colum to the fourth display digit.
While each row drives a single led of the given column.
The display columns 0, 1, 3, 4 can show numbers and some letters (A-F, n, o, i, l, L, etc…) plus a decimal point, while the column 2 can only show a colon sign (:).
A number or a letter for each digit is composed by 7 led segments, so the possibilities are few… but not so few after all (check 7seg.txt file attachment for more details on letter composition).
So, now comes the fun. How can I access the led driver memory to light display digits in C? Adafruit releases proof of concept libraries in C and python, but they don’t seem to run on my raspberry pi.
Since I am too lazy to port their code with external dependencies, I decided to write my own library in C.
#include "7seg_bp_ada.h" /* prepare the backpack driver (the first parameter is the raspberry pi i2c master controller attached to the HT16K33, the second is the i2c selection jumper) The i2c selection address can be one of HT16K33_ADDR_01 to HT16K33_ADDR_08 */ HT16K33 led_backpack1 = HT16K33_INIT(1, HT16K33_ADDR_01); /* initialize the backpack */ rc = HT16K33_OPEN(&led_backpack1); /* power on the ht16k33 */ HT16K33_ON(&led_backpack1); /* make it shining bright */ HT16K33_BRIGHTNESS(&led_backpack1, 0x0F); /* make it not blinking */ HT16K33_BLINK(&led_backpack1, HT16K33_BLINK_OFF); /* power on the display */ HT16K33_DISPLAY(&led_backpack1, HT16K33_DISPLAY_ON); /* Say hello */ HT16K33_UPDATE_DIGIT(&led_backpack1, 0, 'H', 0); // first digit HT16K33_UPDATE_DIGIT(&led_backpack1, 1, 'E', 0); // second digit // turn off the colon sign in the middle of the 4 digits HT16K33_UPDATE_DIGIT(&led_backpack1, 2, HT16K33_COLON_OFF, 0); HT16K33_UPDATE_DIGIT(&led_backpack1, 3, '#', 0); // third digit HT16K33_UPDATE_DIGIT(&led_backpack1, 4, 'o', 0); // fourth digit HT16K33_COMMIT(&led_backpack1); // commit to the display memory // call this if you want to shut down the device (power saving mode) // HT16K33_OFF(&led_backpack1); /* close things (the display remains in the conditions left) */ HT16K33_CLOSE(&led_backpack1);
I decided to release the software with the liberal apache 2 license, so feel free to use this software inside your commercial, non free software / firmware.
Below you will find the files .c and .h that you can embed into your project.
It’s helpful for me, and I hope it will be helpful for you.
Ciao, Dino.
Note: on Raspberry PI OS (and debian) you need libi2c-dev (apt install libi2c-dev) before compiling.
gcc -Wall -O2 -o 7seg_bp_ada.o -c 7seg_bp_ada.c
gcc -Wall -O2 -o 7seg_bp_ada_test.o -c 7seg_bp_ada_test.c
gcc -Wall -O2 -o 7seg_bp_ada_test 7seg_bp_ada.o -li2c 7seg_bp_ada_test.o
After I bought a new TSL2561 digital light sensor from Adafruit, I found that the very cool and small device cannot be accessed directly from linux (rasbian doesn’t have it’s kernel module compiled). Since I didn’t want to cross recompile my whole raspberry pi kernel just to have the tsl2563.ko driver enabled, and since it seems that raspbian does not relase genuine kernel headers to just compile custom kernel modules, I decided to write a user space simple library driver in C.
I found out that Adafruit relases proof of concept libraries written in C++ and python to access its hardware devices, the problem is that the c++ version is ready for arduino but it was not so directly usable for my raspberry pi. It also makes use of an adafruit unified sensor library and other external stuff. Since I am too lazy I decided yesterday to write a new simple library in plain C without external dependencies, just ready for my raspberry pi.
This is the arduino version that inspired me: https://github.com/adafruit/TSL2561-Arduino-Library
This is another cool blog post that inspired me (it now seems dead!!): http://russelldavis.org/2013/03/23/raspberryhunt-part-2/
This is an example:
/* prepare the sensor (the first parameter is the raspberry pi i2c master controller attached to the TSL2561, the second is the i2c selection jumper) The i2c selection address can be one of: TSL2561_ADDR_LOW, TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT or TSL2561_ADDR_HIGH */ TSL2561 light1 = TSL2561_INIT(1, TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT); /* initialize the sensor */ rc = TSL2561_OPEN(&light1); /* sense the luminosity from the sensor (lux is the luminosity taken in "lux" measure units) the last parameter can be 1 to enable library auto gain, or 0 to disable it */ rc = TSL2561_SENSELIGHT(&light1, &broadband, &ir, &lux, 1); TSL2561_CLOSE(&light1);
gcc -Wall -O2 -o TSL2561.o -c TSL2561.c
gcc -Wall -O2 -o TSL2561_test.o -c TSL2561_test.c
gcc -Wall -O2 -o TSL2561_test TSL2561.o TSL2561_test.o
The output is like this:
root@rasponi:~/test/gpio# ./TSL2561_test
Test. RC: 0(Success), broadband: 141, ir: 34, lux: 12
As you can see it’s very easy at this point to get the light measures in C. Just include TSL2561.c and TSL2561.h inside your project and use the public APIs to setup and sense the IC.
I decided to release the code with the liberal apache v2 license, so feel free to include it into your commercial projects if you like.
It’s useful for me, and I hope that it can be useful to you too. Obviously it comes with absolutely no warranty.
p.s.1: I left the hardware stuff out of this article (just attach +vcc, gnd and i2c bus to the sensor
p.s.2: you have to load two kernel modules to get i2c bus working on you Raspberry pi:
modprobe i2c_bcm2708
modprobe i2c_dev
Ciao, Dino.
This is an example on how to use all 3 sensors on the same i2c bus:
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "TSL2561.h" int main() { int i; int rc; uint16_t broadband, ir; uint32_t lux=0; TSL2561 lights[3]; // we can handle 3 sensors // prepare the sensors // (the first parameter is the raspberry pi i2c master controller attached to the TSL2561, the second is the i2c selection jumper) // The i2c selection address can be one of: TSL2561_ADDR_LOW, TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT or TSL2561_ADDR_HIGH // prepare all sensors /* cannot assign that way lights[0] = TSL2561_INIT(1, TSL2561_ADDR_LOW); lights[1] = TSL2561_INIT(1, TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT); lights[2] = TSL2561_INIT(1, TSL2561_ADDR_HIGH); */ // initialize at runtime instead // FIRST SENSOR --> TSL2561_ADDR_LOW lights[0].adapter_nr=1; // change this according to your i2c bus lights[0].sensor_addr=TSL2561_ADDR_LOW; // don't change this lights[0].integration_time=TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_402MS; // don't change this lights[0].gain=TSL2561_GAIN_16X; // don't change this lights[0].adapter_fd=-1; // don't change this lights[0].lasterr=0; // don't change this bzero(&lights[0].buf, sizeof(lights[0].buf)); // don't change this // SECOND SENSOR --> TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT lights[1].adapter_nr=1; // change this according to your i2c bus lights[1].sensor_addr=TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT; // don't change this lights[1].integration_time=TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_402MS; // don't change this lights[1].gain=TSL2561_GAIN_16X; // don't change this lights[1].adapter_fd=-1; // don't change this lights[1].lasterr=0; // don't change this bzero(&lights[1].buf, sizeof(lights[1].buf)); // don't change this // THIRD SENSOR --> TSL2561_ADDR_HIGH lights[2].adapter_nr=1; // change this according to your i2c bus lights[2].sensor_addr=TSL2561_ADDR_HIGH; // don't change this lights[2].integration_time=TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_402MS; // don't change this lights[2].gain=TSL2561_GAIN_16X; // don't change this lights[2].adapter_fd=-1; // don't change this lights[2].lasterr=0; // don't change this bzero(&lights[2].buf, sizeof(lights[2].buf)); // don't change this // initialize the sensors for(i=0; i<3; i++) { rc = TSL2561_OPEN(&lights[i]); if(rc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing TSL2561 sensor %i (%s). Check your i2c bus (es. i2cdetect)\n", i+1, strerror(lights[i].lasterr)); return 1; } // set the gain to 1X (it can be TSL2561_GAIN_1X or TSL2561_GAIN_16X) // use 16X gain to get more precision in dark ambients, or enable auto gain below rc = TSL2561_SETGAIN(&lights[i], TSL2561_GAIN_1X); // set the integration time // (TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_402MS or TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_101MS or TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_13MS) // TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_402MS is slower but more precise, TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_13MS is very fast but not so precise rc = TSL2561_SETINTEGRATIONTIME(&lights[i], TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_101MS); } // you can now sense each sensor when you like for(i=0; i<3; i++) { // sense the luminosity from the sensors (lux is the luminosity taken in "lux" measure units) // the last parameter can be 1 to enable library auto gain, or 0 to disable it rc = TSL2561_SENSELIGHT(&lights[i], &broadband, &ir, &lux, 1); printf("Test sensor %i. RC: %i(%s), broadband: %i, ir: %i, lux: %i\n", i+1, rc, strerror(lights[i].lasterr), broadband, ir, lux); } // when you have finisched, you can close things for(i=0; i<3; i++) { TSL2561_CLOSE(&lights[i]); } return 0; }
As you may know, LVM make it possible to create live snapshots of running logical volumes.
Imagine a guest virtual machine that has its virtual disk backed on a LVM logical volume on the host system.
You may create a live hot backup of your virtual machine on the fly, while it is working.
To do this, I created a small script that makes a compressed backup of all the logical volumes on the /dev/vg0 volume group.
The script make use of the standard LVM utilities to have the snapshot, the pv utility to get a cool progress bar and pigz utility to compress (gzip) using all of your processors.
If everything went ok, when the script finishes you’ll find your LVM hot backups on the /backups directory, and the temporary lvm snapshots removed.
This is how I make hot backups of some of my virtual machines (lvm_hot_backup.sh):
for lv in `lvdisplay /dev/vg0 | grep ‘LV Name’ | awk ‘{print $3}’`
LV_SIZE=”`lvs –units m –noheadings –nosuffix $lv | cut -d’ ‘ -f7 | cut -d. -f 1`” # LV size in MB
LV_UUID=”`lvdisplay $lv | grep ‘LV UUID’ | awk -F’LV UUID’ ‘{print $2}’ | sed ‘s/^ *//g’`”
LV_SNAPNAME=”SNAP_`basename $lv`”echo “LVM Logical Volume: $lv”
echo “Size: $LV_SIZE MB”
echo “UUID: $LV_UUID”
echo “Snapshot name: $LV_SNAPNAME”
echo “Removing old snapshot (if any)…”
lvremove -f “/dev/vg0/$LV_SNAPNAME”
echo “Creating snapshot…”
lvcreate -L+2G –snapshot -n”$LV_SNAPNAME” “$lv”
sleep 4
echo “Backing up snapshot…”
dd if=”/dev/vg0/$LV_SNAPNAME” bs=512k of=/dev/stdout | pv -pterbW -i 2 –buffer-size 512k –size “$LV_SIZE”m | /usr/bin/pigz -9 -b 256 > “/backups/$LV_SNAPNAME.lv.gz”
echo “Removing snapshot…”
lvremove -f “/dev/vg0/$LV_SNAPNAME”
echo “–”