Tonight at 03.00 GTM the NuvolaBase team publicly released the new NuvolaBase Dashboard.
As you may know, with NuvolaBase you can handle your private database on the cloud.
The new dashboard aims to be simple, stable and powerful. You can login using your google, twitter, facebook, linkedin account.
In the next days the NuvolaBase guys will release many new cool features like a powerful REST API to handle your databases in the cloud from your application.
This is the official article on the NuvolaBase blog:
Congratulation to Luca Garulli and his dev team to the public release of OrientDB 1.0 Stable!
After a year of release candidates and bug fixing it’s finally time to the stable version.
Many may bugs fixed, new indexing algorithms, improved clustering with multi master replication, new Object Database interface with lazy object loading, new studio (web interface) and much more.
The community is growing fast and people get rapidly moving to new technologies.
Words like nosql, object and graph databases, cloud and mobile are big buzzwords of nowadays.
If you didn’t already, subscribe to the orientdb mailinglist to get in touch:
As previously said, is a great service that permits you to have a distributed nosql document database in the cloud. This is very cool: think each time you would had the need of a database always available in the cloud that you would access via simple HTTP/Rest queries. The possibilities are endless.
Here is a very simple but powerful PHP curl agent to submit commands (queries) to nuvolabase via HTTP.
* Author: Dino Ciuffetti <>
* Object: Execute a remote query to a distributed database on (free account) using HTTP (OrientDB REST API)
*//* user configurable parameters */
$nuvolabasedb = ‘db$free$youruser$yourdb’;
$command = ‘select from yourclass’;
$user = ‘admin’;
$password = ‘qwerty’;
$useragent = “NuvolaBase PHP REST agent/v0.8 (compatible; Mozilla 4.0; MSIE 5.5;”;
/* END of user configurable parameters */$nuvolabasehost = ‘’;
$url = ‘http://’.$user.’:’.$password.’@’.’’.$nuvolabasedb.’/sql/’;$ch = curl_init();
// set user agent
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);// return the result or false in case of errors
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);// set the target url
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);// do basic login authentication
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);// howmany parameter to post
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);// the post data to send
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $command);// execute curl,fetch the result and close curl connection
$res = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);// display result
if ($res !== FALSE);
print_r (json_decode($res));?>
Please use the attached file.
London, UK – NuvolaBase Ltd is a London-based startup that is about to revolutionize the database market. Only two years ago this market was dominated by few big players such as Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. Something, in the last 24 months, has changed thanks to the “NoSQL” movement which focused on alternative solutions to the ordinary Relational DBMS’s due to the pressing and increasing demands for better performance and higher scalability.
Today the largest IT companies avail themselves of NoSQL solutions to manage Mission Critical projects. Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Disney, MTV, Craiglist and FourSquare are amongst the most famous ones.
After just a year of testing, NuvolaBase comes out of Alpha version, offering a NoSQL database of high performance as a cloud-based service. This way the database is no longer a software component that needs installing, configuring and maintaining, but it becomes a distributed service that is always available on the internet.
Web Site:
Follow us on Twitter:!/nuvolabase
I never said before on those pages that some months ago I migrated liborient to github: liborient project page.
For those who do not know liborient, it’s a LGPLv3 library that can be used by C programs to interact with the OrientDB DBMS Server using the orientdb binary protocol. At the time of this writing it’s in development stage, but almost all low level binary protocol methods are implemented and should be quite working.
After fixing some (well known) memory leaks on the new odocument interface, I’m now working on a high level API that can be used by C programs to manipulate objects going to and coming from OrientDB Server.
You can, for example, put or get records to/from the server containing different data type fields. Those fields are organized into an object that OrientDB calls Document. This Document can include structured types like: integers, shorts, dates, strings, binary, char, float, collections, maps, documents embedded into documents, and more.
The liborient’s new odocument higher level API should make you comfortable to access and manipulate this documents.
This can be, for example, a good starting point to create native bindings for other languages like PHP, python, perl, ruby, etc.
At the moment I am the author and the only developer on this project, but if you are brave you can join and submit patches, test the code, open bugs, put your considerations, and so on. Feel free to send me a mail, add a comment to this page, write to the orientdb mailing list, send me a tweet at @tuxweb, or anything else.
If you are using the powerful orientdb engine on linux/unix you may catch the following error when executing bin/
./ line 52: return: can only `return’ from a function or sourced script
This is because of bash that does not permit the use of “return” from the main script body.
I prepared (and published to the orientdb list) a small patch that you can use if you don’t want to recompile the entire orientdb engine to solve this simple problem.
The problem it’s solved in SVN revision 3804 or greater.
Today i posted to the orientdb mailinglist and I’ve written about liborient, my very first orientdb C library implementation.
We are searching for new developers to join. This is what I putted to the list.
Hi all.
I’m making an attempt to write a proof of concept, simple, LGPLv3
OrientDB C library for linux.
The library is written in best effort, so don’t kill me if you see bad
code for now…
As a starting point, there is already a very first implementation of
some simple binary protocol methods.
For those there are interested, this is the API that it’s just (it
seems…) working with the latest OrientDB SVN version:
You can view development code here:
1) Install the latest GNU autoconf, automake and libtool
2) svn co
3) cd liborient
4) ./
5) ./configure –prefix=/tmp/liborient
6) make
7) make check
8) make install
Warning: this is a very first proof of concept implementation that I
started to study OrientDB. Do not use it in production environments.
Even if I think “the scalable way”, I’m a Linux SysAdmin and not a
full time developer, so may be the API is not well designed and the
code is ugly.
We need people that write code. If you are interested, please join in
and contribute.
This is a sample C program that links liborient… and works
orientdb *oh;
o_conh *och;
unsigned long cid;
// create a new liborient handler
oh = orient_new();
// setup library debug level to “ORIENT_DEBUG”
orient_debug_setlevel(oh, ORIENT_DEBUG);
// setup debug callback
orient_debug_sethook(oh, &your_debug_function);
// preparing to open a new binary connection handler for orientDB
och = orient_prepare_connection(oh, ORIENT_PROTO_BINARY, “localhost”, “2424”);
// setting admin credentials
orient_set_credentials(oh, och, ORIENT_ADMIN, “root”, “pippo”);
// setting user credentials
orient_set_credentials(oh, och, ORIENT_USER, “reader”, “reader”);
// create the real connection with orientdb server
cid = orient_connect(oh, och, timeout);
// open the database “demo”
orient_dbopen(oh, och, cid, “demo”, timeout);
// get the DB size
dbsize = orient_db_size(oh, och, cid, timeout);
// get the total number of records
records = orient_db_countrecords(oh, och, cid, timeout);
// close the database
orient_dbclose(oh, och, cid, timeout);
// free library stuff
Any thoughts?
Ciao, Dino Ciuffetti.
OrientDB is a fast, scalable, open source object / graph database server written in Java.
After more than 20 years of RDBMS predominance it’s now time to switch to non relational database systems, specially where scalability and query response time are two fundamental things to achieve a better user (web or not) experience.
So, how to get up and running quickly with orientdb?
Here we will build on a linux system the latest development version from source in no time: the simple way ™.
First thing to do is to download JDK Java Standard Edition 6 from
Please note that you will need the JDK and not JRE.
After that you will need Apache Ant. Download it from here:
# cd /opt
# tar jxf apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.bz2
Installed? Good. Now install subversion (svn). You can install it for example using your favorite distribution specific package manager, for example if you are using debian or ubuntu you could use apt-get utility, like that:
# apt-get update; apt-get install subversion
You have now to create a directory where you like on the system and begin to download the OrientDB development snapshot:
# mkdir /home/dino/orientdb-source
# cd /home/dino/orientdb-source
# svn checkout orient-read-only
When finished cd to orient-read-only.
You have now to set your JDK and ANT bin directories into your PATH system variable. You can do it by this way:
# export PATH=/opt/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin:/opt/jdk1.6.0_25/bin:$PATH
You can now begin to compile orient source code.
# ant clean
# ant
# ant test
# ant install
Ok. If compiled successfully, you now have to startup orient for the first time.
# cd /home/dino/releases/1.*-SNAPSHOT/bin
# chmod 754 *.sh
# ./
Ok. Now stop it with CTRL+C and modify the configuration file as you like:
# cd ../config
# vi orientdb-server-config.xml
The first thing to configure, if you need to publish the service on your network/internet, is the bind address. For example, to bind on any ip on the system: <listener ip-address=”″ port-range=”2424-2430″ protocol=”distributed”/>
The second parameter to change is the root password: <user name=”root” password=”pippo” resources=”*”/>
Now start orientdb again:
# cd /home/dino/releases/1.*-SNAPSHOT/bin
# nohup ./ 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
You should now have done.
Connect your browser to and begin to play with your brand new orientdb studio web console:
host: localhost
user: writer
password: writer
database: demo
You can find open and solved issues here:
Subscribe yourself to the orientdb users mailing list service:, and enjoy!!
Today was one of the most productive day of the year for me. Codemotion event was great, full of great talks, good new ideas and tech staff demistified.
Great speech on orientdb and nosql by Luca Garulli and very good talk by Alessandro Nadalin: “REST in peace”, the RESTful + ESI correct usage.
I’m very happy that my simple proxy php script is now in bundle with a great product: orientdb.
Now, I’m going to take two beers!! Cheers!!!!