Ok, it’s been a while since I wrote anything here, but that doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything technically challenging. I’m a noob with stock markets but I realized that the solutions provided by my broker are nice but not perfect for me. I would like to have a deeper sight on stock markets to make better decisions (I’ve lost > 98% of my invested capital buying a wrong ticker… you know, bad hydrogen cell green company?!!??). So I decided that I want to observe my stocks candles and indicators near real-time on a self hosted dashboard. I also want to store stock data on a DB on-premise so that I can make custom queries without worry about limited external API requests.
After some scouting on the web / IA chatbots, I decided to implement the dashboard on a self hosted Grafana, with self-hosted PostgreSQL + TimescaleDB as time-series capable DB, getting financial data in near-realtime from a nice vendor (99$/month).
Spending two words about the DB schema, I’d like to select tickers and markets and I’d like a wonderful performance to switch tickers, periods and timeframes, so I’ll need proper DB schema, ER, optimized queries, indexes and foreign keyes.
The first is the stockbars table and is responsible of storing candles (open, high, low, close, volume, trades, etc). It’s market_id and ticker_id are coupled with the second table, called tickers. It will contain any stock ticker and its optional details. It’s market_id and ticker_id are then coupled with the third table called markets that has the task of storing markets (NASDAQ, NYSE, etc). This way I can easily make JOIN to get the requested ticker from the requested markets normalizing data and avoiding to duplicate and waste storage space. This also permits the DB engine to use indexes and foreign keys, optimizing rows fetch from the storage and performing really well even on big tables.
But how can I make queries to aggregate data in the requested timeframe? Postgres doesn’t have this feature, so I need TimescaleDB extension. This is a really nice piece of software that can transform your RDBMS to a fully featured time-series DB. I just need to make the stockbars table a TimescaleDB hypertable. It will automatically partition the table to the proper format to make the magic timeperiod happen in background.
So, thanks to TimescaleDB I’m able to change the timeframe (5 min), the observed period (48 hours), or get aggregated info (NVNTD ticker on NASDAQ market. NVNTD is a non existent stock created just to test the system).
Now, I just need to create the grafana dashboard, and since PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB are fully and natively supported by grafana, I took just a couple of minutes to integrate the dashboard and show my candles (TSLA ticker on NYSE market here with random market data, just for testing reasons).
OK, nice!! So I built a custom Grafana dashboard to show candlesticks of my watched stocks, and some of you may have noticed that Bollinger Bands are present in the chart but postgres, timescaledb and grafana alone are not capable of generating indicators or overlays like Bollinger Bands…
Have you ever thought of a PostgreSQL extension that is able to generate indicators and overlays in C as postgres functions? I did not find anything ready, so I’ve written the postgres extension myself, with the help of the Tulip Indicators library as a math buddy. More will come here… if there will be some hype.
So, with this second article about grafana we are going to dashboard a Fritz!box router.
Same as the previous article, you need a grafana+influxdb installation somewhere. Also you’ll need a linux host connected to the fritz router to monitor, a Raspberry pi 4 will be more than OK.
Install telegraf on your rpi4, then follow these instructions:
Once you’ve installed the required software you’ll end up with the sw installed into /opt/telegraf_fritzbox and a configuration file into /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/telegraf_fritzbox.conf.
Open and modify this last file in this way:
[[inputs.exec]] commands = ["python3 /opt/telegraf_fritzbox/telegraf_fritzbox.py"] timeout = '30s' data_format = "influx" interval = "30s"
Now edit this file: /opt/telegraf_fritzbox/config.yaml and setup your fritz router’s username and password connection. NOTE: It’s a good thing to create a dedicated user.
It’s possible to test this command to check if the connection with ther router is working:
python3 /opt/telegraf_fritzbox/telegraf_fritzbox.py ; chown telegraf:telegraf /opt/telegraf_fritzbox/fritz.db
If everything is ok you should have a list of metrics coming from your router.
Please note that you need to enable UPnP status on your router networking configuration or you’ll have an error regarding a unknown service.
Now, restart telegraf with service telegraf restart.
It’s now time to import the grafana dashboard. I had big problems with the official json from https://github.com/Ragin-LundF/telegraf_fritzbox_monitor/blob/main/GrafanaFritzBoxDashboard_Influx2.json so I put my modified dashbord here.
Some screenshots here
A really big thank goes to the software author Ragin-LundF -> https://github.com/Ragin-LundF
There are tons of documentation and howtos on the web regarding system monitoring and metrics dashboards, so I don’t put all the boring stuff here.
You may want to have a central grafana and influxdb installation, then a telegraf installation on every node to monitor. For example you may have a grafana + influxdb installation somewhere in the cloud, a VPN, and a couple of raspberry pi nodes that gather metrics and send them to the central influxdb+grafana node for storage and visualization.
For this task, I use this beautiful grafana dashboard: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/928-telegraf-system-dashboard/
Just import this dashbord to your local or remote grafana installation.
To make all those panels working, all your nodes to be monitored must have this telegraf plugins enabled and configured:
percpu = true
totalcpu = true
collect_cpu_time = false
report_active = false
core_tags = false
ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"]
use_sudo = false
files = ["ip_conntrack_count","ip_conntrack_max",
dirs = ["/proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter","/proc/sys/net/netfilter"]
collect = ["all", "percpu"]
irq = [ "NET_RX", "TASKLET" ]
proc_net_netstat = "/proc/net/netstat"
proc_net_snmp = "/proc/net/snmp"
proc_net_snmp6 = "/proc/net/snmp6"
dump_zeros = true
Also, remember to configure your telegraf output to send collected metrics to your central influxdb node:
urls = [""]
token = "A1ycabIZjg3XjulgubSanvPEdoj7UxqmEbsPADXX_h1Ns3-kTspG63s0SP3wuR0MGisd62rx9jLzExrhPvKAUg=="
organization = "YourOrg"
bucket = "YourBucket"
Enjoy your system telegraf metrics visualized 🙂
I found out that after I upgraded Debian from 11 to 12 the screen share functions from firefox and chrome (for example from a google meet meeting) is not working anymore. I did not share my screen with my colleagues.
In Debian 12 you are probably using PipeWire, Wayland and Gnome 43.
The solution for me was as simple as that:
apt install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
This way firefox and chrome can reach gnome services inside the sandbox and the screen share is now working as expected.
What happens when you publish a message to an exchange in RabbitMQ with the wrong topic, or better, routing key? What happens if you send a message to the broker in a queue with a TTL policy or the TTL property is in the message itself and that TTL expires? What happens when a consumer discard your message got from the queue with no republish? What if a queue overflows due to a policy?
It’s simple, the broker will simply discard your message forever.
If this thing will make you mad like it does to me this blog article is for you. Here I will tell you how to create a simple tree of queues, DLX and policies to overcome this problem.
I think that starting with commands and examples is better than 10000 written words, and since I don’t have any ads on my blog I don’t have to write a long article to get money from the ads, so here we are.
I consider your RabbitMQ installation and your admin account ready, so we start with the commands.
# Create your VirtualHost
rabbitmqctl add_vhost vhtest --description "Your VH" --default-queue-type classic
# Give your admin user permissions to to everything on your virtualhost
rabbitmqctl set_permissions --vhost vhtest admin '.*' '.*' '.*'
# Create the user that will publish messages to the exchange
rabbitmqctl add_user testuserpub yourpassword
# Create the user that will subscribe to your queue to read messages
rabbitmqctl add_user testusersub yourpassword2
Now, we have 3 users (admin, testuserpub and testusersub) and a virtualhost (vhtest). We are ready to create 2 DLX, one to handle overflow, expired TTL and discarded messages, the other to handle messages sent with the wrong routing key. A DLX (or Dead Letter Exchange) is a particular exchange that is designed to handle dead lettered (discarded) messages.
# Create the DLX to handle overflowed, expired or discarded by consumers
rabbitmqadmin declare exchange --vhost=vhtest name=DLXexQoverfloworttl type=headers internal=true
# Create the DLX to handle messages with wrong routing key
rabbitmqadmin declare exchange --vhost=vhtest name=DLXexQwrongtopic type=fanout internal=true
We’ll now declare and bind queues to the first DLX using three different policies
rabbitmqadmin declare queue --vhost=vhtest name=DLXquQoverflow
rabbitmqadmin declare queue --vhost=vhtest name=DLXquQttl
rabbitmqadmin declare queue --vhost=vhtest name=DLXquQrejected
rabbitmqadmin declare binding --vhost=vhtest source=DLXexQoverfloworttl destination=DLXquQoverflow arguments='{"x-first-death-reason": "maxlen", "x-match": "all-with-x"}'
rabbitmqadmin declare binding --vhost=vhtest source=DLXexQoverfloworttl destination=DLXquQttl arguments='{"x-first-death-reason": "expired", "x-match": "all-with-x"}'
rabbitmqadmin declare binding --vhost=vhtest source=DLXexQoverfloworttl destination=DLXquQrejected arguments='{"x-first-death-reason": "rejected", "x-match": "all-with-x"}'
And now we’ll declare and bind queues to the second DLX to handle messages with wrong topic (routing key)
rabbitmqadmin declare queue --vhost=vhtest name=DLXquQwrongtopic
rabbitmqadmin declare binding --vhost=vhtest source=DLXexQwrongtopic destination=DLXquQwrongtopic
Now we have 1 DLX with 3 queues and another DLX with 1 queue bound. The first will route expired, discarded and overflowed messages to the respective queues (DLXquQttl, DLXquQoverflow, DLXquQrejected), the second will route messages with invalid routing key to the respective queue (DLXquQwrongtopic).
Now we are going to create our main queue and the normal Exchange that will send message to it
rabbitmqadmin declare queue --vhost=vhtest name=quQ
rabbitmqadmin declare exchange --vhost=vhtest name=exQ type=direct
In this example, we want to route all messages with routing key NBE
rabbitmqadmin declare binding --vhost=vhtest source=exQ destination=quQ routing_key=NBE
We now want to create the policy that is needed to associate the wrong topic DLX to our main exchange
rabbitmqctl set_policy --vhost vhtest wrongtopicQ1 "^exQ$" '{"alternate-exchange":"DLXquQwrongtopic"}' --apply-to exchanges
This is an example policy to set limits to 100 messages, 1073741824 bytes, 30 seconds TTL to the quQ queue.
rabbitmqctl set_policy --vhost vhtest shorttimedqunbe '^quQ$' '{"max-length":100,"max-length-bytes":1073741824,"message-ttl":30000,"overflow":"reject-publish-dlx","dead-letter-exchange":"DLXexQoverfloworttl"}' --priority 0 --apply-to queues
Going to give proper permissions to our publish and subscriber users. The user testuserpub can only write to its exchange, while testusersub can read from its queue. No other permissions here.
rabbitmqctl set_permissions --vhost vhtest testuserpub '' '^exQ$' ''
rabbitmqctl set_permissions --vhost vhtest testusersub '' '' '^quQ$'
Mission complete. Please try this at home and write to the comments below! Happy RabbitMQ hacking!
Here is my mailcleaner infolog log parser.
It will give you clear informations about identified spam messages: spam score, mail id, source ip address, source mail and destination domain on your mailcleaner /var/mailcleaner/log/mailscanner/infolog log.
grep -P '(?=.*?spam decisive\))(?=.*?Spamc \()' /var/mailcleaner/log/mailscanner/infolog | sed -E -e 's/^[A-Za-z]*.* Message ([-a-zA-Z0-9]*) from ([.:a-zA-Z0-9]*) \(([-_+=.a-zA-Z0-9]*@[-_+=.a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[-_=.a-zA-Z]*)\) to ([-_a-zA-Z]*\.[-_a-zA-Z.]*) .*, Spamc \(score=([0-9.]*), .*$/\5|\1|\2|\3|\4/'
The output is something like this:
Daje che mo col cloud e grazie alla trasformazione digitale diventate tutti sistemisti e architetti!! Co du’ click create tutte le infrastrutture provando a caso, senza conosce cosa significhi CIDR o netmask, eppero’ funziona…
Potete mette su al volo le macchine virtuali linux senza esse root, potete mette su un loadbalancer ma non sapete che roba è il roundrobin. Daje coi backup. Chili e chili de backup, a caso, uno dopo l’altro, co du click.
Metti su mysql e postgres in PaaS, tanto li gestisce il provider, sticazzi dei WAL. Poi succede un casino e il supporto ènnnammmerda ™.
Poi a fine mese, finiti i crediti aggratise ariva la bolletta, dove t’hanno billato ogni click, ogni byte consumato da storage, rete interna e esterna, dai log, dai backup. Ogni workload che prima non pagavi na lira… mo cor cloud non sai quanto sarà grossa la billata, de sicuro più ‘gnorante de prima, non ce piove.
Eddaje co la trasformazione diggitaleee!! Se riempiono la bocca cor cloud ma er cloud esiste da vent’anni. Parlano de agile ma esiste da vent’anni pure quello e poi non fanno sviluppo ma solo operation. Se vantano der devops pero’ daje cor reboot a mano, cor deploy a mano, daje co le architetture a tre livelli cor mega db transazionale, magari l’Oracolo (ah no non se po’ mette sur cloud perche’ l’Oracolo non vole). No, mica uso i microservizi faccio le architetture a tre livelli cor reverse proxy apache. Continuamo co la foundation su na macchina virtuale custom cor firewall corporate grafico su n’artra region, pero’ security è contenta se usi i vecchi strumenti che conosce. Tutti centralizzati cosi’ vedono tutto. Sur cloud c’e’ er backup fico, su snapshot, automatico. Invece no, usamo no strumento esterno a pagamento unico a tutti i proggetti, cosi’ controllo tutto da na parte sola. E poi er backup fallisce, lo paghi un botto, ce mette na vita. Se lancia a mano, come na vorta.
In pratica, giocamo a fa er cloud, la trasformazione digitale, a vende i proggetti alle grandi aziende, a fa er devops e l’agile, pero’ famo tutto come facevamo na volta, coi stessi modi. Perche’ noi non famo system integrator. Semo partner. Sapemo fa bene l’operation. Ma i servizi da vende? Booohh!!!!! Dovemo fa lift ‘n shift, dovemo porta’ i workload sur cloud. Ma che so poi sti workload? Boooh, non lo sanno. Forse so le macchine virtuali dicono, visto che è lift&shift… boh. La chiamano trasformation ma mica fanno “Move And Improove”, fanno lift&shift. E pero’ almeno sto sur cloud!! Voi mette? Tanto pe le cose fiche ce so i progetti greenfield!
Me chiedo se n’era mejo che tornavamo tutti indietro e chiamavamo er sistemista pe gesti’ tutto on premise, come se faceva prima della pandemia de covviddeee. Almeno sapevi quanto pagavi, come taja i costi, sapevi co chi parla’ se c’avevi problemi, e i dati rimanevano i tua.
Sorbs is a infamous DNS blacklist born to try to fight spam. They have a too much restrictive policy that won’t block spam at all but they just create some pain to your MTA.
They can delist your IP a couple of times but if one of your clients get hacked your good quality MTA will be listed for months, even years!
What they don’t understand is that we work with our IP reputation, so just change the IP is not a valid solution. When a valid MTA got abused to send spam the problem is generally solved in hours, or even minutes. A one month list will generate a great problem to the hacked MTA’s clients.
The only solution is: DON’T USE SORBS AT ALL. The list is not business oriented and so is only valid for lamers, bofh sysadmins and nerds…. ok I’m a bofh, nerd sysadmin but I don’t use Sorbs anymore. Sorry.
NOTA: Tell your sysadmins to NOT USE SORBS.
I always use VIM any single day of my life starting from 1994, and I did not realize that it’s now possible to encrypt and decrypt files with it without using gnupg! This is one of the reasons why I love vim so much: there are always things that you can learn from it!
So, I’ll now show you how to use vim to encrypt and decrypt your text files.
We can start creating a new encrypted text file with the command below:
# vim -x encryptedfile.txt
Enter encryption key:
Enter same key again:
Once you’ve entered an encryption key (WARNING: don’t forget it or you will lose your clear text data forever!!!) you can use vim as always, write your clear text data, save and quit.
# file encryptedfile.txt
encryptedfile.txt: Vim encrypted file data
# cat encryptedfile.txt
So, your file is now encrypted. To recover access to your clear text data, just open the file back with vim using the correct passphrase you used to create your file:
# vim encryptedfile.txt
Need encryption key for "encryptedfile.txt"
Enter encryption key:
You could also decide to change your passphrase or encrypt a clear text file, using the :set key=pwd vim command, like this:
:set key=mystrongpasswordyou'llneverfind
# file encryptedfile.txt
encryptedfile.txt: Vim encrypted file data
If you want to decrypt the file and save it clear text, just use an empty key with the :set key= command, after you opened the encrypted file with the correct passphrase:
:set key=
# file encryptedfile.txt
encryptedfile.txt: ASCII text
So, this way you can create an encrypted file protected with a passphrase, get read/write access to the encrypted file, decrypt the file to clear text and change the passphrase.
Hope you all will enjoy this like me!!